Is paragliding a dangerous sport?

Are you keen to discover the thrill of paragliding?

But you have a thousand questions. 

Paragliding, the aerial sport that many an adventurer dreams of, evokes feelings of both excitement and apprehension. 

The idea of flying, of soaring through the air like a bird, is both captivating and intimidating for many. 

There's a question that comes up a lot: is paragliding dangerous? 

The fine weather is on its way, and this could be the time for you to take to the skies above the Dune du Pilat. 

As with any first experience, the fear of the unknown raises a number of questions. 

Attention all adventurers looking for a thrill. 

Discover the different aspects of paragliding safety and the precautions you need to take to enjoy this experience in complete safety.

paragliding dune pilat pyla dangerous safety

Paragliding: an exciting and safe sport.

Paragliding gives you the chance to experience the pleasure of flying in complete freedom.

Like a bird spreading its wings, you'll soar over the Dune du Pilat and its breathtaking scenery. 

You'll be accompanied by an experienced instructor committed to sharing his passion with you.

Every moment spent in the air is a breath of fresh air and freedom.

Close your eyes and imagine flying over the majestic Dune du Pilat and the ocean. Beautiful, isn't it?

Paragliding gives you the chance to discover breathtaking scenery from a unique vantage point.

Take to the skies and discover this exceptional site from the air!

Qualified instructors for a completely safe experience.

For many paragliding enthusiasts, a first flight is their first experience of flying.

It's the perfect opportunity to discover the unique sensation of gliding through the air: 

  • Let yourself be carried along by thermal currents
  • Flying over breathtaking landscapes
  • Feel the adrenalin as you soar through the sky.

As you can see, paragliding offers an unforgettable range of emotions!

To ensure passenger safety, our tandem paragliding flights are always supervised by qualified instructors (DEJEPS).

These experienced professionals are fully conversant with piloting techniques. They are trained to handle all situations, including the most delicate. 

Before take-off, a detailed briefing is usually given to explain the safety instructions and actions to be taken during the flight.

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The French hang-gliding federation: guaranteeing safety.

The Fédération Française de Vol Libre (FFVL) plays an essential role in promoting and regulating paragliding in France.

It lays down strict safety standards to which schools and instructors must adhere.

It trains and certifies pilots and guarantees a high level of competence within the paragliding community.

Training and development.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pilot, the FFVL offers introductory and advanced courses to suit all levels. 

These courses give you the skills you need to operate safely in a variety of conditions. 

Finally, the FFVL regularly organises events and competitions aimed at reinforcing the safety culture among paragliding enthusiasts.

A safe take-off and landing in the best possible conditions.

paragliding dune pilat pyla dangerous safety

Take-off and landing are crucial moments in a paragliding flight.

Instructors are therefore careful to choose suitable take-off and landing sites offering ideal weather conditions. 

What's more, each passenger is equipped with a reserve parachute, guaranteeing double safety in the event of a problem.

Precautions and practical advice


Weather conditions play a crucial role in paragliding.


It is essential to fly in favourable weather conditionsavoiding : 

  • Strong winds
  • Turbulence
  • Thunderstorms. 

Before each flight, our team checks the weather forecast. They make sure that conditions are optimal for paragliding.

In the event of bad weather, the flight will be postponed.

Safety equipment and checks.

Before each flight, it is essential to check the condition of your equipment. 

The harness, canopies, lines, reserve parachute... 

Everything must be in perfect working order to ensure the safety of rider and passenger. 


It is advisable to wear suitable protective equipment, such as helmets and windbreakers, to guard against any risks.

It is also advisable to wear appropriate protective equipment, such as helmets and windproof jackets, to guard against any possible danger.

We are here to help your questions!

Vertigo and fear of heights in paragliding: myth or reality?

Vertigo and fear of heights are perfectly natural reactions for many paragliding beginners.

Finding yourself at high altitudes, suspended in mid-air, can make some people feel dizzy and apprehensive. 

The plunging view of the landscape below can be both breathtaking and intimidating, amplifying the fear of heights. 

However, it is important to note that there is no such thing as vertigo in paragliding!

You feel dizzy when your feet touch the ground. But as soon as you take off, that feeling disappears and freedom takes over.

Fear of heights, on the other hand, usually stems from a childhood trauma. There are professionals on hand to help you overcome these fears.

Paragliding is supervised by experienced professionals. 

They are equipped with reliable safety features to minimise risk and ensure a safe and rewarding flying experience.

Let yourself be carried away by the sensations of freedom and adrenalin that paragliding brings.

Many paragliding enthusiasts are discovering a new world of adventure and aerial pleasure.

Ready to letting go ?

So, do you still think paragliding is a dangerous sport?

Paragliding is an exciting sport that offers unique sensations and breathtaking panoramas. 


Although some consider it dangerous, paragliding is a sport that can be practised in complete safety.


  • Supervised by competent professionals
  • By maintaining the training and regulation provided by the FFVL
  • By following the precautionary instructions.
  • Read our utime guide paragliding on the Dune du Pilat 

Paragliding offers everyone the chance to realise their dream of flying in complete safety.


So don't hesitate, and take to the skies for an unforgettable experience over the Dune du Pilat!

For more information about paragliding and first flights, please contact us.

Our qualified instructors will be delighted to accompany you on this extraordinary adventure!